Hoping Man

Friday, December 09, 2005

Gun Control?

Could someone explain to me Canada's current position on the possession of handguns? I understand that 'long guns' are allowed for sport, but I guess I always assumed that handguns were outright illegal, and that's what made us different from the Americans. But yesterday Paul Martin promised to ban handguns if he is re-elected. I don't get it. I was also surprised to learn that there is a gun store near my home where, presumably, I could buy a handgun (unless the police know more about my past than I think they do {kidding}). Is it just that Canadians don't in general want to own guns? Is that the difference?

The CBC explained a funny detail about Paul Martin's proposed plan. Gun collectors would have to sell or surrender their collections within five years ... or become target shooters. They get to keep their guns.


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