Hoping Man

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Trouble With Blogging -or- Integrity? Who Needs It!

Are you a person of integrity? How far does this go? Do you act exactly the same way regardless of who is around you? Is there any room within integrity for acting differently with different people, or does that always make one less integrous? Is integrous actually a word, or should that be 'integrated'? I'm fine with either one ... does that make me less integrou ... {danger, infinite blog loop error imminent}

Before anyone thinks I'm secretly in a biker gang or something, my point is that blogging forces one to choose how one is going to write; to choose an audience. The humour one uses, for example, might be humour one would normally only unleash around certain people, but whatever is blogged is available to all. Take that first paragraph. I have two friends from my former place of employment who eat that sort of thing for breakfast, and who come up with far better 'quirky wordsmith' fare than that. Others who read the blog might find that sort of thing strange or - in my wife's case - unsettling. I'm just not sure I'm ready for all of my worlds to come together.

Maybe I should be glad that I have different worlds, and that nobody really has any clue what to expect from this blog. Yes! All this time I've been searching for the unifying theme my blog should have, when really the lack of such a theme is a far more desirable thing! How sad it would be if this blog was called 'Sax Chat', and all I was known for was my love of the saxophone. The theme is me! This doesn't solve the 'mixing worlds' problem, but it makes me feel better in a strange kind of way.

For the record:
  1. Integrity is important
  2. I really do love saxophones, and the one in the picture would make a wonderful gift


  • First of all, don't sell yourself short on your wordsmithing abilities. You're up there with the best. Secondly (and probably lastly) you write the meanest (as in best) Haikus. Play to that strength. If there's one thing you could do more of, it's Haikuing... if that is a word.

    By Blogger Robert, at 10:24 PM  

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