Hoping Man

Monday, March 06, 2006

Great Canadian Singers

Tonight I watched a show on the CBC that was some sort of tribute to Canadian songwriters. As my vagueness shows, I wasn't really paying attention ... at first. Then they paid tribute to Anne Murray. Wow! She's a really great singer! I guess I've always known that, but wow! John Lennon once said at 'The Grammies' that his favourite cover of any Beatles song was one by Anne Murray. Again I say, wow!

Later in the show they paid tribute to Leonard Cohen. I have to say, I'm glad he's done well and all, but I've never really understood his appeal in general. It likely doesn't help that I don't 'get' poetry (except the high art of haiku). He did, however, write a song called 'Hallelujah' which K.D. Lang performed. Wow. She has a beautiful voice. And I should give Leonard his due for writing the song. He also gave a great speech in which he marvelled at the mystery of where great songs come from. I've heard this sentiment from many songwriters. They say it's more like being lucky enough to find the song, as opposed to creating it. Back to my point. K.D. Lang is a great singer.

Not on the show, but also a wonderful singer is Sarah McLachlan. My wife thinks all of her songs sound the same. I disagree. I think she's extremely talented and has a beautiful, unique voice.

Canada has been blessed with some very, very talented singers. I mean, like, real singing talent. And these three are just the tip of the iceberg. I don't have any music by any of these artists I've mentioned (perhaps I should change that), and in Anne Murray's case her name would normally remind me of some kid's record I had when I was young. But even if they're not singing your kind of music, it's hard not to be moved by a truly great singer. I'm thankful to have so many to choose from in Canada.


  • I don't get Cohen's appeal either. I think it's the whole poetry thing you talked about. It certainly can't be his vocals.

    By Blogger Robert, at 12:29 AM  

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